Mobile Mark Antenna Solutions Product Catalogue 2017-2018
Mobile Mark specializes in unique and attractive antenna designs. We work with our customers to under- stand developments in the wireless market and offer innovative solutions that keep our customers ahead of the wireless curve. If your wireless require- ments have grown, rest assured that we have grown with you. From the usual to the unusual, our customers turn to us first to provide wireless solutions. Our customers comment of the depth and diversity of the Mobile Mark product line. There are an- tennas for a wide range of wireless applications, fromWiFi to GPS to RFID to Cellular M2M Our quality program is based on explicit pro- cedures, open communication and continuous improvement. Strong quality controls and pride in workmanship ensure quality products. As the critical link in the wireless network, we are all too aware that dependability is top concern. Many of our products feature innovative, pat- ented designs, available only from Mobile Mark. Mobile Mark engineers use the latest computer aided design techniques and the designs in our in-house lab, ensuring accurate in-field perfor- mance. In-house prototype fabrication allows for custom samples and timely solutions and our antenna designs are run through rigorous product testing. We pride ourselves in our outstanding custom- er service. Mobile Mark’s global headquarters, including design and production capacity, is lo- cated near Chicago, IL. Our European group and factory is located near Birmingham, England.
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